Numbers tell the story of the world.

Male doctors are twice more likely to be sued.

Men make 17 percent less than a woman for the exact same job.

Male lawyers earn 25% more than women lawyers.

Women in sales earn 20% less than men in sales.

Women are statistically safer, better drivers than men.

Since 1981, women have earned more Bachelor’s and Master’s degrees than men.

As of 2016, only 57 of the world’s working-age women are in the labor force.

62 million girls are denied an education all over the world.

30% of women who have been in a relationship report that they have experiences some form of physical or sexual violence.

At least 1,000 honor killings occur each year in Pakistan and India.

By 2020, there will be 1.4 million open technology jobs in the U.S. At the current rate of students graduating with computer science degrees, men will outnumber women 4:1.

Among all S&P 500 CEOs, 24 are women.

Less than 30% of the world’s researchers are women.

There is a life behind numbers.

Living, breathing people.

Possibility. Progress.

We know, for example, that the U.S. economy could grow by $1.6 trillion if more women participated in the workforce.

That by improving gender equality, the European Union could see a GDP increase of roughly 2 trillion Euros.

That by improving gender equality would lead to an additional 10.5 million job by 2050.

Numbers can change the world.

And if we know the numbers, we can change the numbers.

This is S&P. And these are thevital statistics.